The 5.6 kg lightweight folding carbon rollator.
Looking for something lighter? The GEMINO
30 Carbon and GEMINO 30 M Carbon have all
the advantages of the GEMINO 30 but with a
super lightweight and strong carbon fibre frame,
offering support and making it effortless use as
part of any active lifestyle.
Width:800 mm
Height:780 - 1000 mm (30); 730 - 880 mm (30 M)
Length:850 mm
Folded Height:800 m (30); 760 mm (30 M)
Folded Length:650 mm
Folded Width:230 mm
Seat Height:620 mm (30); 550 mm (30 M)
Turning Radius:840 mm
Width Between Push Handles:470 mm
Rear Wheel Size:200 x 36 mm
Front Wheel Size:200 x 36 mm
User Height:1500 - 2000 mm (30); 1350 - 1700 mm (30 M)
Maximum User Weight:150 kg (30); 130 kg (30 M)
Total Weight:5.6 kg (30); 5.4 kg (30 M)
Maximum Load Capacity in Basket:5 kg
Gemini 30 Carbon Rollator
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